"Chronicle" is an innovative found-footage superhero movie dubbed as "Cloverfield meets Heroes."
Main Cast: Dane DeHaan, Michael B. Jordan, Alex Russell
Director: Joshua Trank
Genre: Fantasy, Scifi, Thriller, Found-Footage
Released By: Warner Bros. for 20th Century Fox
MTRCB Rating: PG-13
Opening Date: February 2, 2012
Gist: Three high school students make an incredible discovery, leading to their developing uncanny powers beyond their understanding. As they learn to control their abilities and use them to their advantage, their lives start to spin out of control, and their darker sides begin to take over. --Official Site
The Positive: 1) The film soars with an engaging superhero origin story and then plummets into an edge-of-your-seat thriller, thanks to Josh Trank's radical story-telling. 2) The flying effects can give other superhero flicks a run for their money. 3) The 3 lead actors exude credibility; Dane DeHaan is a revelation.
The Negative: Two and more POVs are brought about by the camera in some parts of the movie making discerning viewers raise an eyebrow.
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"Chronicle" Official Trailer:
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