"Purok 7" is a new breed entry in the 2013 Cinemalaya Independent Film Festival starring Krystel Valentino and Miggs Cuaderno, and directed by Carlo Obispo.
Main Cast: Krystel Valentino, Miggs Cuaderno
Supporting Cast: Arnold Reyes, Angeli Bayani, Jean Judith Javier, Carlon Matobato, Olive Nieto, Karen Haniel, Max Celada, Aaron Ching, Sheenly Gener, Julian Trono
Director: Carlo Obispo
Genre: Dramedy
Released by: Cinemalaya
MTRCB Rating: GP
Synopsis: This countryside tale follows 14-year-old Diana and her younger brother who live by themselves after their mother went abroad and their father lived with another woman. Set in a remote purok, where people display positive outlook in life despite daily struggles, the film features the light side of country lifestyle as the main characters take advantage of the fun and thrills of the town festival to take hold of their sweet childhood.
The Positive: "Purok 7" is a unique and touching dramedy and a surprisingly sweet film, featuring two young actors who know what they're doing. Carlo Obispo captured accurately the way of life in the province, the raw emotions of childhood and the plight of OFWs. The story, on the other hand, is involving and compelling making this Cinemalaya film a highly potential candidate to become the next Philippine entry to the Oscars.
The Negative: There are some scenes that can be edited without affecting the plot.
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"Purok 7" Trailer:
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